Pain manifests in many different ways in each person affected. Oftentimes,
unsettled pain leads to destructive behaviors and thinking patterns such as
suicide, drugs, violence, alcoholism, predatory behaviors, the inability to
maintain successful relationships, fear, trust issues, depression, anxiety,
eating disorders, and so many other unnecessary problems. It amazes me how a
family could believe that allowing one of their own to suffer with these
tormenting afflictions is somehow better than risking someone knowing a secret.
These thought processes are what cause people to believe that suffering in
silence is ok. Then what? You have continued domestic abuse, animal torture,
moms and dads killing their families over money issues, young children killing
their parents, people binged out on drugs and alcohol, and so on and so on.
Why Does Life Have You Down?
See, there can be many different reasons
why life may have you down. The most obvious outside influence is the economy.
You also have internal influences however, which often stem from a string of
compiling problems. For example, you lost your job, can’t get unemployment,
begin drinking, marriage then falls apart, and now you’re contemplating
suicide, suicide-murder, robbery, prostitution, etc… all simply trying to
cope. I know that this is an extreme
scenario, but it is one that we have seen far too often on the news. Unfortunately
‘coping’ often begins the downward
spiral. Simply coping is not the solution. Of course we must continue on with
life, but in doing so we must also live
life. Living life consists of completely embracing every moment…the good and
the bad. None of us were designed to live a perfect life. If that were the
case, I would have been first in line! Finding the strength within you to
continue pressing forward, despite the obstacles, is what makes and shapes us
as individuals. Any one of us can give up or give in. That is certainly the
easiest thing to do. What is it, however, that you wish to define you? When
your time here has come to its end, do you want people to remember you as the
person who simply gave up, or for having a spirit of tenacity and facing life’s
challenges head on? Do you care at all?
Remember this...
Answer the question
above. Do you care? Do you care about your physical and mental health? Do you
care about the legacy you leave behind? Do you care what you pass down to the
generations coming behind you?
Write down
EVERYTHING that you believe is a problem for you. (Money, Marriage, Career,
School, etc…)
Make a list of
EVERYONE that you believe has harmed you in some way, either physically or
Say a prayer,
giving thanks for ALL things and people that have crossed your path. Believe it
or not, they can all be credited for helping shape you. Pray for each of the
individuals who have wronged you. Pray for forgiveness for those people, and
forgiveness of self for harboring ill feelings, and allowing self-torment.
Finally, pray for peace, wisdom, understanding, and the strength to be able to
face any adversity without fear. Remembering that fear is simply an illusion.
Learn how to
forgive. The process is as follows…forgive yourself first, do not discuss what hurt was caused to you to with people in
anger, do not dwell on these hurts to yourself, do not confront the person(s)
who wronged you in anger or with a heavy heart.
Find ways to
clear your mind such as prayer, meditation, physical exercise, fasting, etc…
Incorporate these things into your regular daily routine.
Seek professional
help or at least talk with someone who may offer you a different point of view.
As you clear
negative feelings about each thing on your list, cross it off – completely so
that you can’t even see it again!
Once your list is
completely checked off…BURN IT! Or give it a funeral and bury it ALL!
10. Now, the hardest part, make a list of the positive
things that you can do to help better
your own situation, and actively start setting these things in motion..
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