As for the ladies involved in this mess (most of them anyway), I maintain an extremely low level of sympathy for them as well. First of all, most of you are members of his church, which means that you were well aware of the fact that he was married. You come into the house of God, proclaiming to love Him, shouting Hallelujah and dancing around, all the while focusing on your true intention of nailing the pastor. Regardless of how smooth he came across, or how humble he seemed to be, adultery is adultery and sinful lust is just that...and God sees all...spoken and unspoken. Now I am not claiming to be perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but this is most certainly a situation I would have run from! One woman responded saying that she met him online and that he was just so engaging and portrayed all of the qualities that any God-fearing woman wanted. He made you want to give it up to him on the 3rd or 4th date, is what she said. Really? Red Flag!! A true man of God would not be trying to get into your panties, and if you let him then there are demons you have to deal with! Now maybe this particular young lady wasn't a member of his church, and since she met him online, maybe she didn't know he was married, etc..., so yes, I have a little more sympathy and compassion for her, but come on ladies...we have got to make better decisions and start caring more for ourselves. I mean if we don't, who will?

What say you?
Sidebar...this was almost the plot for one of my next books! Wow...then I hear about it in the news!