Saturday, August 25, 2012

Living in YOUR Purpose

Although I have somewhere to go, I had to stop and be obedient to God and write this...not just for my own healing, but for someone else out there who needs it.

My Heavenly Father has allowed me to have glimpses of what can truly come if I completely to submit to Him and His will for my life. Instead however, I found myself looking at the lives of others that He has placed me around and feeling a sense of jealousy and self-pity. I would make comments to myself and to Him like, "Why can't I have the perfect husband, or the perfect home, or blessings overflowing like this person?" And thus He has given me the answer! It is because I have allowed myself to look through the window of someone else's life and compare my own to theirs, and that is not of all. I was not completely living in MY purpose! Instead I CHOSE to wallow in self-pity, watching the purpose of others' lives unfolding, and wondering why not me. How unfair to God! How unfair to the person(s) on the receiving end. How dare you make someone else feel uncomfortable in your presence because you are unable to accept who you are...especially someone who loves you?

I have been very convicted recently, from many different places and people, on the fact that, as a child of God, you have to accept and receive your own blessings, receive your own favor, and deliberately fulfill your own purpose in life. I believe that when you allow yourself to pit your life and situation against that of someone else, you hinder your own overflow. Even when it appears that those you are watching have what you desire to have or are doing what you wish to do, you have to realize that just because they have it or are doing it does not mean that your heart's desires will not come to fruition...if it is the will of God for your life.

I won't talk long, but I challenge you...and yes I am taking my own take time getting to know more about God, developing a more intimate relationship with Him, and allowing Him to reveal to you exactly what your purpose is. I challenge you to be mindful of your thoughts, and as they venture into the realm of anything unlike Him, you consciously change your thought pattern. Deliberately do things that help you to become the person that you desire to be. Allow the people you love to be mentors and role models instead of tools in your attempt to tear yourself down. As it was put to me by someone I love fiercely, "You are already good enough". Accept that my loves, own it, and allow it to be your driving force deeper into a relationship with Christ and deeper into YOUR purpose!

Be Blessed and just accept it! Life is full of love...don't push it away!

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